I have an amazing life and love coach. Her name is Jess Johnson and she is helping me to free my heart and my voice.
Free Your Voice is a sacred container to reawaken the music within our heart and soul. It is a personal, intimate group experience that combines personal coaching with real time virtual experiences to help nourish, stimulate and evoke our creative spirit into a personal expression of love, empowerment and healing!
She is pushing us out of our comfort zone, pushing us to reach deeper inside for our truth, to find our courage to show up and to love.
Jess has greatly impacted me in my personal growth the past 5 months, in opening my heart to forgive, love myself deeper and allowing myself to be open to love from others again as well. Words cannot express the magic that has happened in my heart after only a few hours of working with her. Only song could do that. ;)
I chose to attend the School of Inner Beauty in May instead of Lightening in a Bottle and it was a life changing decision. I was able to bond deeper with many of my friends, create new bonds and became so much more open and vulnerable than I had ever let myself be. Jess and her co-heARTist, Debbie Lichter led a day of song, dance and jewelry making, all around the intention of loving and expressing ourselves without judgement.
Writing and singing used to be my outlet for the pain and frustration I felt all growing up. My mother was lost in her addiction and my dad didn’t know how to connect with me. I turned to my writing and would sing and write my own songs to release whatever was breaking me down from the inside out.
One day I decided that achieving goals, helping others and BUSYness was the way to overcome the pain. Writing became work, a task on my to do list and singing only happens in the car or at a concert. I lost the deepest connection to myself and now I am ready to feel that freedom again.
I started Live More Happy as a way to freely express things I love and my passions, aside from my LMH Promotions brand. I wanted a place to share myself and yet I have been so filtered and hesitant to really open up. (What will you think of me????)
Jess said something on the Free Your Voice call today that really resonated with me.
“Powerful women often times are the ones who stuff down our vulnerability and truth the most. We are afraid if we show the vulnerability and fear or sadness we will be considered weak and so we don’t share it, we stuff it down, block it out, put on a smile because joy is ok, happiness is ok but rage and anger and grief are not ok. If we show them what will the men and woman around us think of us? We have the opportunity to lead with our vulnerability. The more vulnerability we show the stronger we are. Sometimes its subtle, just exposing a depth of your heart you have never exposed before.”
So here I am, offering a new voice of vulnerability, commitment to deeper truth, sharing more of me and giving you permission to do the same.
“We dont sing to be good, we sing to be free.” -J.J.

(I obviously highly recommend Jess as your coach too, no need to have a singing voice or musical skills. Just a 30 minute call with her changed my entire week. Contact her at heartliberation